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Edeva's road to the Middle Eastern market

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Edeva's road to the Middle Eastern market

Edeva, the company behind the unique speed securing system Actibump, is now receiving attention in the Middle Eastern region. Edeva is in the top four and short listed for the Gulf Traffic Innovation Award.

"The motivation that got Edeva short listed in the competition is that our Actibump is a unique invention and a complete game changer in speed reduction solutions.", says CEO David Eskilsson. " Current installations have proven that the Actibump system has a good effect on driver behaviour and significantly reduces the number of speeders and the top speeds."

A jury has judged and ranked all applications for the traffic innovation award and Edeva is short listed as one of the top four. "Receiving the prize would give us invaluable exposure to the Middle Eastern and United Arab Emirate market. This area suffers many speed related traffic accidents and the Actibump system has the potential to significantly reduce the number of severely injured and dead at any installation site. The prize would help us create business relations and open for sales in that market.", says David Eskilsson.

Read more about Gulf Traffic Innovation Award

Contact: David Eskilsson, VD

+46 (0)13-474 61 01


Edeva develops and sells the intelligent traffic calming system Actibump that selectively affects speeding drivers while maintaining full accessibility. Read more about Edeva http://www.edeva.se

Edeva is a LEAD company. LEAD is one of Sweden's foremost business incubator that helps entrepreneurs build companies faster and safer. LEAD is designed for entrepreneurs with businesses that are innovative and have the potential to expand. The tools for success based on a structured and quality-assured business development methodology based on a close and committed business coaching. LEAD owned by Linköping University and is also financed by Norrköping and Linköping municipalities and ALMI. www.lead.se





Malin Nyberg

Malin Nyberg

Presskontakt Kommunikatör 072-200 25 24

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